Thursday 2 June 2011

Wild Meadow

There is a small piece of common land opposite our cottage which is part of the Nettlebed and District Commons. The Conservators have kindly agreed that I can manage this meadow.

I have taken this on because I am aware that our wildlife is in decline. If I can encourage a range of wildflowers to grow on this meadow, and manage it sympathetically, this will encourage insects by providing food and habitat and therefore benefit birds and other animals up the food chain. It will also provide a beautiful sight for those of us who live around it.

The land sits opposite our cottage. Between us and the land is a single track road. The land is bounded by low wooden posts alongside the road and at the back, by tall trees which screen it from the houses behind. It is about 150 foot long and 50 foot deep.

The meadow, as I will now call it, was covered in lush grass and bordered by brambles. I started working on it last Autumn and will let you know where I have got to in my next blog.

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