Friday 3 June 2011

Meadow update

My aim over the coming week is to bring the story of the meadow up to date.  As soon as I've worked out how to upload photographs, I will also put these on the blog so you can track the meadow in pictures.

But I can't resist a quick jump forward to this morning.  The Vipers Bugloss which I grew from seed last year and planted is now flowering.  The bees adore it and before I left for work this morning I stood and watched a bee working its way around and around each wonderful hairy spike with its mass of little blue and pink flowers.  We have more bees than usual in the garden at the moment and I hope it is because they now have a good food source in the meadow as well.

I will blog again this evening with the next chapter in my efforts to create a wild flower meadow.

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