Sunday 24 July 2011

Big Butterfly Count

You may have heard Sir David Attenborough speaking about the Big Butterfly Count recently.  Today is the first really sunny day (when I haven't also been working) since I heard him on the radio and I did my 15 minute count.  It's very easy.  You can print off a list of the most common butterflies from the website: and then you sit for 15 minutes in the garden and record how many of each different species you see in that time.  Then you just type in the numbers on the website, provide a bit of information about your location etc and submit the form.

I saw two Peacock's (strictly speaking on the neighbour's Buddelia), a Large White, a Gatekeeper, and something which may have been a Comma.  I've also seen today Common Blues, a Meadow Brown, a Small Copper and a Small Tortoiseshell.

A couple of photos to follow.

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