Wednesday 27 June 2012

Bees for Rebecca

I took this photo for Rebecca who keeps bees in London.
I think it's a honey bee and you can see the tiny dots of pollen sticking to it.


This is starting to flower more now it's a bit warmer and sunnier

Vipers Bugloss

Excitingly, as well as the large Bugloss I've been watching since last year,
this little one sprang up all by itself.

Meadow Brown Butterfly

At last, butterflies on the meadow.
These two were very peacefully sitting on the daisies.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Midsummer Flowers

I threw some Nigella seeds onto the meadow last year
and it's doing very well.

Friday 22 June 2012

Midsummer Flowers

The Vipers Bugloss is just coming into flower

Midsummer Flowers

The Foxgloves are looking really creamy

Midsummer Flowers

I think that as this is a grass meadow (I don't have the means to have all the top soil removed as you would for a true flower meadow), the flowers that are going to thrive are going to be more robust than things like Poppies and Cornflowers - at least until the Yellow Rattle has had more time to work.

The plant I thought was a Scabious is emerging as a magenta pink Campion.

Sunday 10 June 2012

White Irises (in the garden)

Bird on a Wire


This lovely finch and his wife came to eat some seeds off the garden table.

The Yellow Bee

I love this little guy

Daisies and Jack Go To Bed at Noon on the Meadow

Germander Speedwell, Vetch & tiny white Lesser Stitchwort on the meadow

 They are like tiny jewels. Gorgeous.

Hedge Woundwort and Buttercups on the Meadow

The Woundwort was identified by Alistair last year and it seems to have spread.

Foxgloves and Yellow Rattle on the Meadow

I am thrilled to see the Foxgloves flowering at the back of the meadow.
And the Yellow Rattle, needed to allow flowers through, is back.

Bees Glorious Bees

The catmint is covered in bees. I haven't seen this one with bright yellow stripes before (above).
The bee below is more usual.