Friday 23 March 2012

A good read

I found a fantastic book online.  Well worth a read.  It is set in the future but is not sci-fi, and is warmly and  wittily written. 

March 2012

Spring is here.

You may remember that last year I, exhaustingly, scythed half the meadow. Well, a friend did the scything and I used my sickle and gathered all the cuttings.  The idea was to leave the other half long to allow insects to overwinter, and cut that in February.

So a few weekends ago, I borrowed a neighbour's strimmer and strimmed the long half, being careful to avoid the daffodils. I was vibrating from head to foot when I finished but the meadow now looks very smart.

As for the brambles, our local farmer very kindly brought his hedge cutter up and mowed down all the brambles around the edge.  A few daffodils and the foxgloves got a bit crushed, and there were massive tyre tracks all over, but now it looks fantastic.  We just have to keep on top of them.